Nafion™ Membranes for Energy Storage

Increased Energy Consumption Requires Cleaner, More Efficient Energy Storage.

As populations and energy consumption rates increase, so will the need for reliable energy storage. And, given that most renewable energy is intermittent, power utilities will need to find dependable ways to store power. Utilities store energy in flow batteries for distribution during peak demand, which stabilizes the energy flow of existing grids and balances the variable nature of renewables. Flow batteries, which depend on ion exchange membranes like Nafion™, will be critical to the ushering in the new era of clean energy.

Flow batteries that use Nafion™ membranes offer safe, economical, and sustainable storage solutions. Nafion™ membranes’ durability and thickness can improve the performance of flow batteries used in large-scale energy storage. Because the electrochemical cells can work like fuel cells or rechargeable batteries, the Nafion™ membranes enable the cells to retain critical properties under continuous cycles of energy generation.

Using Nafion™ Membranes to Maximize Renewable Energy

As industries seek renewable energy sources for power generation, efficient and effective energy storage is critical for global power supply and energy infrastructures. Wind and solar are considered to be the most promising renewable energy sources, but face issues with large-scale adoption because of their highly variable energy generation and mismatched production and demand.

Nafion™ membranes make storing renewable energy practical by enabling technologies such as flow batteries and hydrogen production. These technologies allow utilities to store energy for use at more optimal times, which maximizes renewable energy production without destabilizing utility grids. By stabilizing the variable nature of renewables, we can work with nature, instead of at its whim.

Large-Scale Energy Storage Powered by Long-Life Flow Batteries

Flow batteries are a type of electrochemical battery where the chemical energy is stored in two separate liquid electrolyte solutions. These electrolyte solutions are pumped through a battery stack where they undergo chemical reactions that generate electricity.

During this process, the membrane keeps the electrolytes separated, only allowing the desired charge carrier ions to cross—or conduct through—the membrane. This separation of electrolytes also allows chemical reactions to be reversible and for the battery to be recharged with electricity.

With a rising need for viable, large-scale electrical energy storage systems that match supply and demand more efficiently, Nafion™ membranes offer vital benefits for the development of large-scale, long-life flow batteries.

These include:

  • Excellent mechanical properties
  • High ionic conductivity
  • High selectivity
  • Chemical stability

Nafion™ membranes deliver on their commitment to create clean energy by innovating and producing membranes that enable safer, economical, and more scalable energy storage.